In contemporary art there is someone thatintervenes in the relation between the artist and the audience. The curator. The critic. The translator. The discourse printed on the museum wall. This intermediary gives the audience the meaning and the context. Without it you the public remains all alone, lost in semiotics.
Martin Toldy and Ioana Păun created a performance specially dedicated to theintermediary. This time it is not a well elaborated discourse on a presentation paper but a human being. Live on stage, actor Miro Noga will embody the translator of a performance show, having the power to deliver his agenda to the audience. Only that this time the actor may havesome of his personal buttons pushed.
Martin Toldy and Ioana Păun created a performance specially dedicated to theintermediary. This time it is not a well elaborated discourse on a presentation paper but a human being. Live on stage, actor Miro Noga will embody the translator of a performance show, having the power to deliver his agenda to the audience. Only that this time the actor may havesome of his personal buttons pushed.
By: Ioana Păun & Martin Toldy a Miro Noga
Guest show: Domestic Products by XandraPopescu
Duration: 80 min
Guest show: Domestic Products by XandraPopescu
Duration: 80 min
V súčasnom umení existuje osoba zasahujúca do vzťahu medzi umelcom a publikom. Kurátor. Kritik. Prekladateľ. Nápis na múzejnej stene. Tento sprostredkovateľ poskytuje publiku kontext a významy, bez ktorých je verejnosť úplne sama, stratená v semiotike.
Martin Toldy a Ioana Păun vytvorili performance venovanú práve tomuto sprostredkovateľovi. Tentokrát sa však nejedná o rafinovaný a prepracovaný text na papieri ale o ľudskú bytosť. Herec Miro Noga naživo zosobní prekladateľa performantívnej šou a získa tak schopnosť odovzdať publiku svoju agendu. Akurát to asi nebude také jednoduché, ako predpokladá.